Detox 101
Viruses, Bacteria & Fungi

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus are pathogens that can cause infection, illness and disease. These can be short term and relatively harmless but left alone, they could be potentially life threatening. Lyme, candida, fungus, EBV, HPV can all create severe symptoms in our health. Many of these can even lay dormant and be reactivated by stress, injury or illness. Removing the overgrowth and toxicity along with creating the right environment for the body can help you get started on your healing journey.

Detox 101
Viruses, Bacteria & Fungi Detox 101

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus are pathogens that can cause infection, illness and disease. These can be short term and relatively harmless but left alone, they could be potentially life threatening. Lyme, candida, fungus, EBV, HPV can all create severe symptoms in our health. Many of these can even lay dormant and be reactivated by stress, injury or illness. Removing the overgrowth and toxicity along with creating the right environment for the body can help you get started on your healing journey.

Viruses, Bacteria and Fungus

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus are pathogens that can cause infection, illness and disease.  These can be short term and relatively harmless when left alone - or - they could be potentially life threatening. The body has billions of colonies of natural viruses, bacteria and fungus that build the immune system in the gut. When we are born via vaginal delivery, the baby is exposed to the growth of viruses, bacteria, and fungus in the mother's birth canal which is responsible for jump-starting the baby's immune system which was previously sterile. 


The overgrowth of viruses, bacteria, and fungus is where the concern begins. “Good” bacteria is responsible for the breakdown of our food in the digestive tract. When the “good bacteria” is wiped out, the bad bacteria takes over and the balance is lost. The immune system is lowered which creates the cascading effect of fungal overgrowth. The immune system keeps the fungal balance in check but fails when the immune system is lowered. The body then introduces new pathogens into the gut that it is not prepared to fight nor is it supposed to be there. Enter: Lyme, Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Human Hapalona Virus (HPV), Candida Auris just to name a few. 


Lyme, candida, fungus, EBV, HPV can all create severe symptoms in our health. Many of these can even lay dormant and be reactivated by stress, injury or illness. Removing the overgrowth and toxicity along with creating the right environment for the body can help you get started on your healing journey. 


The Detox Girls believe very strongly in gentle, passive and systemic detox that boosts the immune system so that the body does the healing the way God intended. This is why we personally use Dr. Christina Rahm, PhD, EdD, PsyD formulations that were created to eradicate the viruses, bacteria, fungus while regenerating the cells to function amazingly, and strengthen the immune system to do its job by supporting the Autonomic Nervous System. 


Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida. Some species of Candida can cause infection in people; the most common is Candida albicans. Candida normally lives on the skin and inside the body, in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems. Candida can cause infections if it grows out of control or if it enters deep into the body (for example, the bloodstream or internal organs like the kidney, heart, or brain) - as defined by the CDC. Signs of Candida overgrowth are Thrush, Yellow fungus toenails, and skin disorders. 


A healthy immune system would normally keep Candida in check as it is present in almost every human intestine. However, if the immune system is not optimal, or if the candida fungus “hides” from the immune system, candidiasis may occur, causing a wide variety of infections, transmitted via the blood vessels. This would include cystitis, pneumonia, infection of the cardiac wall (endocarditis) and painful infections in the gastrointestinal tract or vaginal mycosis in women.


Clean Slate and Restore both work to regulate the intestinal flora and absorb pathogens, disrupting candida fungus and carrying it out of the body. Prior antibiotic use upsets the microbiome and works against good bacteria, setting the stage for candida to invade. In addition to antibiotic overuse, the typical diet full of sugar and yeast, mineral depleted soil and abundant pesticide use also affects the GI system. This can result in Reflux, Gerd, Crohns, IBS as well as general constipation and diarrhea. Left untreated, it can result in organ toxicity to include the Liver, Large & Small intestines, Gallbladder, Kidney, Lungs and Pancreas.


Clean Slate starts where other zeolites end.... Clean Slate's raw ingredient is clinoptilolite, however it is further broken down into bioavailable silica. It then has added Sea Salt for trace minerals AND Vitamin C to allow it to attach to the cell receptors.




Our immune systems need to be as strong as possible. We rely on the immune system to fight off the flu, the common cold as well as other viruses. Clean Slate helps to prevent viruses from invading our immune system. A virus is too large to be captured in its molecular structure, but when a virus replicates into viral particles, the zeolite attracts and captures the particles. This prevents the virus from spreading and allows the immune system to destroy the remaining virus.


It raises the digestive pH as well as corrects the acidity of the small and large intestines. It removes harmful bacteria and viruses, promotes growth of good bacteria and restores the balance of our microbiome.


Of course, limiting the intake of refined sugar, simple carbs, gluten, and dairy can also increase the body's ability to heal. It is imperative to stop putting the 'bad' in. Both Clean Slate and Restore work hard, but are even more effective if you do your part too!


Restore is a blend of ingredients that Restores the microbiome, tightens the junctions that cause Leaky Gut, balances pH, and supports the Immune System. One of the ingredients is curcumin. Curcumin has been studied to fight against different bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. It helps in the management of inflammatory and oxidative conditions, metabolic syndrome and has anti-infective properties. 

Clean Slate, Zero-In, ReStore, and ReLive by Root Wellness requires a Referral Code which can be found by clicking here.

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