Detox 101
AutoImmunity 101

Auto-immune diseases happen when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. The body was never intended to attack itself. Removing the Root cause of why the body is attacking itself needs to be a focus in an effort to support your body’s ability to begin the regeneration process.

Detox 101
AutoImmunity 101

Auto-immune diseases happen when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. The body was never intended to attack itself. Removing the Root cause of why the body is attacking itself needs to be a focus in an effort to support your body’s ability to begin the regeneration process.

Autoimmunity Detox

Autoimmunity:  Auto-immune diseases happen when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. The body was never intended to attack itself. Removing the Root cause of why the body is attacking itself needs to be a focus in an effort to support your body’s ability to begin the regeneration process. 

Studies are beginning to show what we, The Detox Girls, have been studying for over a decade each, “Autoimmunity is believed to develop when genetically predisposed individuals encounter environmental agents that trigger the disease. Recent advances in the genetic and environmental contributions to autoimmunity suggest that interactions between genetic elements and epigenetic changes caused by environmental agents may be responsible for inducing autoimmune disease.” 

In simplified terms, our genes can express negatively when they encounter toxicity (such as heavy metals, glyphosate/pesticides, plastics, fluoride, air fresheners, candles, plug ins, fabric protectants, clean supplies etc). These toxicities can also be called environmental agents, alone or together.

These environmental agents that trigger disease by definition are “An agent is anything that can perceive its environment through sensors and acts upon that environment through effectors. A human agent has sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin parallel to the sensors, and other organs such as hands, legs, mouth, for effectors.” For instance, we can look at mercury. Methylmercury is one of the most abundant environmental agents we are exposed to. Mercury is now studied to effect or cause changes in the central nervous system (i.e Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, seizures, etc) and altering gene expression. This gene expression is directly tied to Autoimmune Disease in the form of epigenetics. 

Epigenetics are the controls of how the genes, gene expression, make the physical parts of your cell. For instance, you don’t want your genes all on at once because that can cause the disease called cancer. So you have to have control to make sure that the right “things” get made at the right time. That is what epigenetics does. 

These changes through epigenetics are made to an organism as a result of turning genes on and off instead of changing the actual genetic code. Epigenetics controls inheritance when babies are structured together in the womb. The zygote has all the epigenetics in it, it will guide and direct how the genes are expressed to build the new baby. Your genome is where your traits and features come from and epigenetics is what controls the expression of those features and traits.

Environmental agents directly affect how our body expresses our genes. Losing what is called self-tolerance alters normal immune function, epigenetic homeostasis. Altering the DNA methylation by environmental agents, such as methylmercury above, causes the breakdown of homeostasis, alters gene expression, inflammation incurs, and the self attack of the body, autoimmune disease, happens. 

If we clean up the environment that our genes are in, then the genes can begin to express more positively. As they say, “Your genetics loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger.”

The Detox Girls foundation of homeostasis regulation, the way your body keeps its balance in check, is Clean Slate. Formulated by our friend, Dr. Christina Rahm, PhD, EdD, PysD, Clean Slate rips apart and removes the environmental agents responsible for Autoimmune Disease, delivers regenerating silica to the cells and tissue, regulates electrolyte balance with pure sea salt. These pairs delivered in the Clean Slate formula are designed to give the body a clean slate so that YOU, the beautiful creation you are, can control the health and wellness of your own body no matter what is infiltrating your environment! 

Clean Slate requires a Referral Code and can be found by clicking here.

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