Detox 101
Hormones 101

Hormonal health is a delicate balance and can be very complex. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone are intertwined with the thyroid, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and more. Toxins can directly impact hormonal health and having a deep understanding of how these systems work together could allow you to move forward in addressing your own hormonal health.

Detox 101
Hormones 101

Hormonal health is a delicate balance and can be very complex. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone are intertwined with the thyroid, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and more. Toxins can directly impact hormonal health and having a deep understanding of how these systems work together could allow you to move forward in addressing your own hormonal health.

Hormone Detox

Hormones work hand in hand with the Nervous System as a check and balance. Hormones promote and can stop the generation of nerve impulses in the Nervous System. The Endocrine System is the set of glands that release hormones that are delivered through the bloodstream to almost every tissue in the body. Hormones are not individual but are all communicating, they each impact the other. For example, Estrogen and Progesterone are on a balance, but they are both in a network. Progesterone increases and Estrogen decreases or conversely, Estrogen increases and Progesterone decreases. 


Estrogen Dominance (ED) symptoms do not necessarily equal progesterone deficiency - even if the labs show low progesterone.  The issue is really Estrogen Dominance. When you take steps to reduce the Estrogen Dominance, the progesterone naturally rises. Estrogen Dominance = hormone disruption.

Focusing on a single hormone can cause an imbalance, which can cause:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)



Hirsutism - facial hair 


The ovaries make the estrogen, the liver breaks down the estrogen and must be detoxified by the Liver to prevent it from being dumped back into the bowels.  There are bacteria in the bowels that RE-ACTIVATE the estrogen and put it right back into circulation.  


How do you release the estrogen excess?  Decrease refined sugar and carbohydrate intake.  Sugar creates insulin resistance, gut dysfunction and increases estrogen.  


COMT mutation (enzyme) - slows down the estrogen detoxification process.  Carbs & sugar recycle the estrogen.  The more estrogen you make, the less Progesterone you make.


  • Decrease sugar, carbs, processed foods 
  • Fix microbiome which balances the bacteria that recycles the estrogen 
  • Estrogen naturally lowers and progesterone naturally raises
  • Support COMT with cruciferous veggies which supply the body with natural DIM


Hormones circulate through the blood but can only affect the specific target cell that they are designed for because they chemically bind to the specific cell receptors for that hormone to work. This is how toxins create disruption in the hormone cycle. Heavy metals can bind to the cell receptor site instead of the hormone because they mimic minerals in the body that the body needs to sustain life and also can fit in and attach to those receptors. For instance, mercury can attach to the cell receptor for thyroid hormones, T4, instead of iodine.  This creates a dysfunction and cycle of degrading the synthesis of thyroid hormones in the liver. The liver is responsible for so much in the body. When the liver is overburdened (non-alcoholic fatty liver), it is unable to perform optimally to break down toxins. When the liver is burdened with xenotoxins, it can not perform the process because it was not designed to break down the synthetic toxins. 

One of the processes that the liver accomplishes is that the liver must make fat soluble toxins into water soluble to eradicate the fat soluble toxin. If it stays fat soluble, it dumps into the bile. Fat sticks to fat, water sticks to water. Fat toxins stick to fatty areas such as the brain and fat cells. Fat cells hold onto excess estrogen. 


An example we will explore at another time is Xenoestrogens, toxins and chemicals that are chemically close enough to the molecular structure of estrogen. They mimic estrogen and bind to the estrogen receptor sites. 


The Detox Girls have had personal experience with ROOT Trinity: a trio including: Clean Slate, Zero-In, Restore plus:  ReLive Greens  in complete reversal of menopause and PCOS. This is why we stand behind ROOT Wellness. Complete hormone regulation and balance in our family. 

Clean Slate, Zero-In, ReStore, and ReLive by Root Wellness requires a Referral Code which can be found by clicking here.

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