Our Partners - His Glory Ministry



From East to West, North to South, His Glory is spreading the Word of God to the nations, and restoring freedom to We the People! His Glory brings Biblical teachings and supports those on the frontline of current and Spiritual events to Christ followers around the world, and to patriots who stand for truth, freedom, and justice. The Detox Girls along with our friend Dr. Christina Rahm are honored to be called alongside His Glory, Pastor Dave Scarlett, and the His Glory Family on the front line battling the enemy of our soul, body and spirit with our calling to heal the nations. We, The Detox Girls, are called by God “and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Ezekiel 47:12 

Through His Glory daily programs on His Glory TV, Biblical teachings, and through freedom-inspired events, His Glory ministry and His Glory partners aspire to deliver the news, stories, and interviews that address and combat spiritual forces that seek to displace our God-given authority that is rightfully ours as children of the Most High God. His Glory mission is simple: Feed and equip those who seek to bring light into a dark world, and provide for the elderly and the poor around the globe with Bibles, food, and clothing.

The Detox Girls Ministry is in total alignment with His Glory Ministry. We are a defender of humanity that understands the enemy’s plans and have solutions to his schemes, to fulfill the commission five by Jesus, to restore His family back to Himself. Ephesians 6 says: 

“We battle not against person’s with body’s but against the rulers, against principalities, against powers of this darkness of age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places.” 

The Detox Girls, Dr. Christina, and His Glory act in strength and authority against these schemes and are taking back what is God’s by cleansing the Temple of the LORD on a cellular level. 

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